

Best game like this picture.Real Madrid and Barcelona between two team interested to play one another.For this they attend in the playground.Though Real Madrid won the match.

Real Madrid:2(khedira17min,Ronaldo72min)
Result:Real win by 2-1 goal

Though a player can't
good play then if they also win the match,so understand that's not a best game.If we can't see
the game live,we can't enjoy the game.Barcelona team has played a good game from Real Madrid.First to last visitor enjoy barcelona game.Although Real can forward in 4minute.Ronaldo head the ball at good position in the goalbar but Barcelona protected for corner.In 17 minute khedira get his first goal ,in 70 min Barcelona alexis get 1st goal for Barcelona,and last 72 minute Ronaldo get a good goal as a result Real win 2-1 goal.
        Real forward 7 point    Read More

so nice



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